The program has 2 modules, which can be accessed by the operators, according to the level of their accesibility. The first module is the administrative one, which allows the administrator to have access to all the information related to the operators (introduce new operators, delete operators, modify existing operators), to the rooms (room type, their prices and the modification of all the details about every room), declaring/modifying the services that can be offered to customers during their reservation, as well as viewing reports related to the payments, receipts, vacant rooms, rented rooms, details about clients and informations about their reservations.

This form allows the addition of new customers or the modification to the existing users in the database, who have access to the program. Each entered user has a level of access, which differs according to their accesability, allowing them different operations..

The program also allows entering administrative data related to the company. The data is related to name, the address and the economic details; it is possible to upload a photo that will be features on the bill with a message to the client, which can also be edited in this form. The data is required, because it will appear on the documents released by the program, including the invoice.

The administrator has the possibility to create a new type of room using the form below, by clicking on the „Create” button, then the data will be entered, followed by hitting „Save” resulting in the creation of a new room type. An already defined room can also be modified.

In order to modify an already defined type, the process is similar: selecting the type of room in the list, clicking on the „Modify” button, then the program allows the user to re-edit the data and then hitting „Save”. To permanently delete one type of room, it is required to hover in the list over the type of room which needs permanent removal, then clicking on the „Delete” button.

For each room type the name will be specified, the management which it will be a part of and the price depending on the number of stars. The prices are assigned, if neccessary, accounting for the period of usage related to the number of stars.

The program also contains a catalogue for rooms and one for services in the administrative part. The one for rooms allows the definition of a new room, the modification of an existing room or the permanet deletion of a room. In this area, the type of room can be chosen from the ones already defined, and details about the room can be required.

The catalogue for services allows the declaration of a new service, the modification or the permanent deletion. The features of a service are the name and the price of the service which is applied. It will refer to the quantity and the reservation period when it’s added to the reservation.

The second module is for the operation of receipts and invoicing. It allows the receptionist to make a reception for a client that already exists in the database or for a new client, entering a new client in the database, changing a client, canceling or changing a receipt, changing a client from one room to another, operating services on each room separately, invoicing accomodation services or other services offered by the hotel, advance invoicing, group invoicing of several rooms.

In order to operate a new check-in, it is necessary to select or enter the customer, the period of stay and establish the prices that will be charged depending on the length of the stay and the application of the predefined rates on the type of room. Also you can select a second client if you want a clear record of the customers. The hotel tax will be calculated automatically depending on the applied price and the way of calculation of the hotel.

Also,this form allows the modification of the data, regarding the accomodation if necessary.

By changing the room, the clients will be moved from the initial room to another room that is not occupied and all the services and costs that the client had in the initial room will be transfered.

With „Advance Invoice”, an advance invoice that was issued will be selected and added and its value will be deducted from the customer’s total payment, being highlighted on the invoice with a negative value.

The operation of services is made in a way that allows the operator to give the quantity and choose the service with the predetermined price, or the operator chooses the service and sets the value of the desired service, if this is a service that doesn’t have a price which can be predetermined in the nomenclature of services. An example would be a burglary.



The program allows the operator to view the situation of services and payments on each room, how much the client paid and how much he has to pay.

In the case of groups the operator can create a new group and attach or detach each group separately to the selected group,so the services can be billed either by the group or by each room separately.

Bills regarding the advance payments can be generated from the main menu. In the same manner as the hotel service bills, this also requires to select a person or a company, the sum and the service(s) for the advance payment is needed.

After a bill is issued, it can be printed again from the Reports menu - View Bills - and the operatorcan bring modifications to a bill through an addition, which can contain details about the services used. Such additions may be needed when dealing with groups.

By accessing the Reports menu, one can observe the daily closings, the bills issued during a period of time or the level of accomodated guests in a certain time period.

The daily closings are operated from the Main buttons menu, the result being a report containing the bills issued that day, sorted by method of payment, and the receipts associated with cash payment. A hotel day starts at midnight and closes the following midnight. Keep that in mind since a check-in needs to be registered after the starting-midnight and the check-out, before the closing-midnight, when that hotel day comes to an end.